• 青岛HFRR价格 HFRR试验仪 原装真品 全网低价

    青岛HFRR价格 HFRR试验仪 原装真品 全网低价

  • 2019-12-16 07:16 30
  • 产品价格:23000.00
  • 发货地址:甘肃省嘉峪关朝阳街道包装说明:不限
  • 产品数量:不限产品规格:不限
  • 信息编号:50747135公司编号:4228350
  • 徐立国 经理
    13511039010 (联系我请说明是在阿德采购网看到的信息)
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  • 信息举报
    The diesel lubricating high-frequency reciprocating tester controller is connected to the computer for the data line. No control chip, control module, and board card are installed in the computer chassis. Therefore, when the computer fails, the user can replace any other brand computer at any time. After installing the test operation software, you can use it.
    1, constant temperature and humidity control device
    2, constant temperature and humidity insulation test box body.
    3, with 2 reinforced drying tubes.
    Overall requirements:
    According to the ISO 12156.1-2018 ASTM D6079-2018 test method, used for the lubrication performance evaluation test of diesel engine fuel(including diesel fuel containing lubrication performance modifiers). The operation of the automatic constant temperature and humidity system is simple and easy, and the corresponding control area can be activated by clicking on the main control interface. No other operation steps are required. After the test is completed, the sampling data in the experimental process is closed and stored, and the operator's operation steps are reduced. Increased efficiency.
    In 2016, Beijing Gaoke, as a manufacturer of high frequency reciprocating test machines for diesel lubrication evaluation, participated in the drafting of the national standard(standard number: GB/T 3537-2017) for high frequency reciprocating test machines for diesel lubrication evaluation. The standard was issued on December 29, 2017. Implemented on July 1, 2018.
    Operating ambient temperature: 17 to 35 °C, operating ambient humidity: 5-95 %; (Temperature and humidity can be set and adjusted by self)
    The high frequency reciprocating stroke limit protection device fixes the shaft rod under static conditions to prevent damage to the spindle when installing the test parts. The device effectively protects the vertical of the shaft rod and the vibrator, and at the same time guarantees the grating reading counter. The corresponding position of the ruler, Prevent the influence of external force damage on the stroke control.
    At the same time, the allowable division(temperature and humidity) of the test environment in the ASTM D6079-2018,ISO 12156.1-2018 standard is drawn into a standard template. During the test process, it can be called up at any time to facilitate comparison with the standard requirements to obtain more accurate test data.
    Test operation software platform: The system includes test operation, test automatic control, data real-time monitoring, data calculation, formation report, parameter calibration and data browsing after test are all completed in the software, and all Chinese are marked.

    北京朝阳高科应用技术研究所有限公司,简称“北京高科”。总部座落在拥有鸟巢、水立方等世界着名景点的奥运村地区,生产基地位于京北重镇,素有“温泉古镇”之美称的小汤山工业园区。北京高科于1992年成立,是集*、生产、销售为一体的制造型企业。企业注册资金5000**民币。公司在小汤山工业园区建设有12000平方米的生产基地,全部采用现代化生产装置,拥有大批高素质的技术人才。公司先后通过了ISO9001**质量管理体系; ISO14001**环境管理体系认证, ISO18000**职业健康管理体系认证。是中石化、中石油炼化三剂网络合格供应商。其生产制造的产品用于石油化工、环保、汽车、油品检测等领域。 公司成立二十五年来,形成石油化工、电子仪器二元化经营,开发、制造出了多种****、国内良好的产品,铸造了“高科”品牌的辉煌业绩。其中拥有多项自主知识产权的“柴油润滑性评定用高频往复试验机”在诸多特色技术上填补了国内空白,其技术**性已追赶国内外同类产品。目前,该产品在**油品检验中心、中国石油、中国石化及地方炼油厂等广泛使用,并受到了用户的肯定和**。公司于2016年作为“柴油润滑性评定用高频往复试验机”产品国家标准的起草单位,参与编制了该仪器的国家标准(标准号:GB/T 35137-2017),该标准于2018年7月1日起正式实施。 公司自2004供应中石化、中石油车用汽、柴油清净剂及柴油抗磨剂以来,本着“技术良好、诚信经营、用心服务的工作理念”,完成了一次又一次的技术革新和产品的质量升级。目前,公司“高科牌”清净剂产品已升级为具有减摩效果的车用汽、柴清净剂;为了满足用户需求,我公司技术人员不仅对酸型柴油抗磨剂进行了产品升级还成功的研制出酯型柴油抗磨剂。其两种柴油抗磨剂的性价比均**国内外其他生产厂家的同类产品。 公司拥有完备的生产、科研管理体系和设备设施,电子仪器研发实验室、

    欢迎来到北京朝阳高科应用技术研究所有限公司网站,我公司位于素有“天下**雄关”、“边陲锁钥”之称的嘉峪关市。 具体地址是甘肃嘉峪关朝阳公司街道地址,负责人是徐立国。

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