• 特价电池电玩配件游戏机配件WII FIT镍氢电池

    特价电池电玩配件游戏机配件WII FIT镍氢电池

  • 2016-06-29 15:01 146
  • 产品价格:面议
  • 发货地址:广东省深圳市宝安区包装说明:不限
  • 产品数量:不限产品规格:不限
  • 信息编号:41394084公司编号:3988180
  • 杨礼娟 经理
    13824337805 (联系我请说明是在阿德采购网看到的信息)
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  • 信息举报
    It uses for Wii Balance Board power supply.
    With large capacity rechargeable battery, can charge more than fiveHandred times.
    It has a smart design, can be regularly serviced by fastening the Balance Board battery slot. Moreover, it can be charging and using at  The same time.
    It can also be charged through USB cable.
    Put one side of the USB rotate cable of DC into Balance Board battery pack hole, the other side of USB into Will controller of USB  Expansion port, then the battery pack can be charged.
    The battery pack can be charged alone for using the Will Console. then the Balance Board  can be serviced when putting the battery pack with full-electricity into the battery jar of it. If the Balance Board Should be pass through the protocol verification with the Wii Console, it can via the YSLC hole to connect the Wii. Console to play games.
    First time charge must be more than 12 hours, usual charge is more than 5 hours 
    It uses for Wii Balance Board power supply.
    With large capacity rechargeable battery, can charge more than fiveHandred times.
    It has a smart design, can be regularly serviced by fastening the Balance Board battery slot. Moreover, it can be charging and using at  The same time.
    It can also be charged through USB cable.
    Put one side of the USB rotate cable of DC into Balance Board battery pack hole, the other side of USB into Will controller of USB  Expansion port, then the battery pack can be charged.
    The battery pack can be charged alone for using the Will Console. then the Balance Board  can be serviced when putting the battery pack with full-electricity into the battery jar of it. If the Balance Board Should be pass through the protocol verification with the Wii Console, it can via the YSLC hole to connect the Wii. Console to play games.
    First time charge must be more than 12 hours, usual charge is more than 5 hours 
    It uses for Wii Balance Board power supply.
    With large capacity rechargeable battery, can charge more than fiveHandred times.
    It has a smart design, can be regularly serviced by fastening the Balance Board battery slot. Moreover, it can be charging and using at  The same time.
    It can also be charged through USB cable.
    Put one side of the USB rotate cable of DC into Balance Board battery pack hole, the other side of USB into Will controller of USB  Expansion port, then the battery pack can be charged.
    The battery pack can be charged alone for using the Will Console. then the Balance Board  can be serviced when putting the battery pack with full-electricity into the battery jar of it. If the Balance Board Should be pass through the protocol verification with the Wii Console, it can via the YSLC hole to connect the Wii. Console to play games.
    First time charge must be more than 12 hours, usual charge is more than 5 hours 
    It uses for Wii Balance Board power supply.
    With large capacity rechargeable battery, can charge more than fiveHandred times.
    It has a smart design, can be regularly serviced by fastening the Balance Board battery slot. Moreover, it can be charging and using at  The same time.
    It can also be charged through USB cable.
    Put one side of the USB rotate cable of DC into Balance Board battery pack hole, the other side of USB into Will controller of USB  Expansion port, then the battery pack can be charged.
    The battery pack can be charged alone for using the Will Console. then the Balance Board  can be serviced when putting the battery pack with full-electricity into the battery jar of it. If the Balance Board Should be pass through the protocol verification with the Wii Console, it can via the YSLC hole to connect the Wii. Console to play games.
    First time charge must be more than 12 hours, usual charge is more than 5 hours 
    It uses for Wii Balance Board power supply.
    With large capacity rechargeable battery, can charge more than fiveHandred times.
    It has a smart design, can be regularly serviced by fastening the Balance Board battery slot. Moreover, it can be charging and using at  The same time.
    It can also be charged through USB cable.
    Put one side of the USB rotate cable of DC into Balance Board battery pack hole, the other side of USB into Will controller of USB  Expansion port, then the battery pack can be charged.
    The battery pack can be charged alone for using the Will Console. then the Balance Board  can be serviced when putting the battery pack with full-electricity into the battery jar of it. If the Balance Board Should be pass through the protocol verification with the Wii Console, it can via the YSLC hole to connect the Wii. Console to play games.
    First time charge must be more than 12 hours, usual charge is more than 5 hours 
    产品类型 : WIIFIT ;
    产品颜色 : 灰色 ;
    加工定制 : 是 ;
    加印LOGO : 可以 ;
    适用送礼场合 : 广告促销,商务馈赠,节日,乔迁,生日,婚庆,颁奖**,展销会,*典,开业典礼,员工福利,公关策划,其他 ;
    规格 : YCC-W023 ;
    型号 : WII ;
    ** : YCC ;

    深圳市勇创成科技有限公司位于深圳市宝安区西乡西成工业区,交通便利。公司**从事游戏机周边的**,开发生产型的企业。公司于2006年成立,现有员工110余人,总投资150万元人民币。主要经营项目:游戏机配件,如WII游戏机及配件、PSP游戏机及配件、NDS游戏机及配件 、DSI游戏机及配件、DSLL游戏机及配件、DSILL游戏机及配件、IPHONE游戏机及配件、PS2游戏机及及配件、PS3游戏机及配件、PSPGO游戏机及配件、XBOX360 游戏机及配件,XBOX360SLIM游戏机及配件,PS3MOVE游戏机及配件,XBOX360体感器及周边配件产品。公司有一支**高素质经营管理的团队,企业拥有**性的管理模式,按照**品质标准,以**的技术实力和**的服务理念为企业宗旨。公司始终会保持“质量**,信誉**,服务**”,的思想方针。为客户争取了市场,为客户嬴得较大的利润空间是我们的职责。 迎惠顾! 同时公司拥有**的加工设备及雄厚的技术力量。大部分产品通过了UL、FCC、CE、CCC、PSE、SAA等地区的*认证,产品质量稳定**,性能优越,所生产的ROHS认证产品****其产品符合欧盟ROHS指令。公司将一直遵循“以勤为本,标准治业”的经营理念,竭诚为广大客户提供品质优良、价格合理、交货及时的产品。我司高质量的服务将给广大客户带来较好、较高的经济效益。 
    加工方式 : 来料加工;OEM加工;ODM加工;来样加工;来料代工加工;手工加工;其他;
    工艺 : 超声;玩具包装;塑料熔接;其他玩具加工工艺;
    质量控制 : 内部

    欢迎来到深圳市勇创成科技有限公司网站,我公司位于经济发达,交通发达,人口密集的中国经济中心城市—深圳。 具体地址是广东深圳宝安区公司街道地址,负责人是杨礼娟。
    本公司供应IT 游戏机 游戏机电池 等,产品新颖、*、美观,让孩子玩的开心,让家长放心,**生产厂家,*放心厂家,欢迎您来电咨询订购哦!

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深圳市勇创成科技有限公司位于深圳市宝安区西乡西成工业区,交通便利。公司**从事游戏机周边的**,开发生产型的企业。公司于2006年成立,现有员工110余人,总投资150万元人民币。主要经营项目:游戏机配件,如WII游戏机及配件、PSP游戏机及配件、NDS游戏机及配件 、DSI游戏机及配件、DSLL游戏机及配件、DSILL游戏机及配件..