• 星光磨料磨具厂97%碳化硅,碳化硅磨料/耐火材料


  • 2016-02-20 22:42 146
  • 产品价格:面议
  • 发货地址:河南省包装说明:不限
  • 产品数量:不限产品规格:不限
  • 信息编号:41128293公司编号:3562727
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  • 信息举报
    碳化硅主要分为黑碳化硅和绿碳化硅。碳化硅又称碳硅石。在当代C、N、B等非氧化物高技术耐火原料中,碳化硅为应用较广泛、较经济的一种。可以称为金钢砂或耐火砂。其中:黑碳化硅是以石英砂,石油焦和**硅石为主要原料,通过电阻炉高温冶炼而成。其硬度介于刚玉和金刚石之间,机械强度**刚玉,性脆而锋利。黑碳化硅,有金属光泽,含SiC 95%以上,强度比绿碳化硅大,但硬度较低,主要用于磨铸铁和非金属材料。
     Silicon carbide is divided into black and green silicon carbide. Moissanite, also known as silicon carbide. In contemporary C, N, B and other high-tech non-oxide refractory materials, and silicon carbide for the most widely used and most economical one. Can be called emery or refractory sand. Where: Black silicon carbide is quartz sand, petroleum coke and silica as the main raw material of high quality, high temperature resistance furnace smelting through. Its hardness between corundum and diamond, mechanical strength than corundum, brittle and sharp. Black silicon carbide, a metallic luster, containing more than SiC 95%, greater than the strength of green silicon carbide, but lower hardness, is mainly used for grinding of cast iron and non-metallic materials.
    1.Application of a non-ferrous metal smelting industry
        The use of silicon carbide with a high temperature, high strength, good thermal performance, impact, for indirect heating temperature materials, such as Kennedy Retort furnaces, distillation furnace trays, aluminum cell, copper melting furnace lining, zinc arc furnace plate, thermocouple protection tubes.
    2. Application aspects of the steel industry
        The use of silicon carbide corrosion, thermal shock resistance, abrasion, thermal conductivity and good for large-scale blast furnace lining increases the service life.
    3. metallurgical processing industry applications
        Silicon carbide hardness only to diamond, with strong wear resistance, abrasion-resistant pipes, impeller pump chamber cyclone, an ideal material for ore bucket liner, the wear resistance of cast iron rubber life of 5 -20 times, is one of the ideal material for aviation runway.
    4. The application of building materials, ceramics, grinding wheels of industry
    Using its thermal coefficient of thermal radiation, high strength characteristics of high fever, manufacturing sheet kiln, kiln capacity not only reduce, but also improves the loading capacity and product quality furnaces, shorten the production cycle, baked glazed ceramic sintering ideal for indirect materials.
    5. The application of energy efficiency
        Use good thermal conductivity and thermal stability, as heat exchangers, fuel consumption is reduced by 20% to 35% fuel savings, increased productivity by 20-30%, especially mine processing plant with discharge pipeline putting their degree of wear is 6-7 times the normal wear-resistant materials.
    25 kg/bag, double woven bag packaging, export tons of bags are available, and can also be adjusted according to customer requirements for production.
    Dengfeng Ludian Grinding Factory is the starlight abrasive corundum, white jade, black walnut, silicon carbide, quartz, corncob, black corundum, desulfurizer, floor, derusting, emery sand blasting, steel cut wire shot, iron ore, specializing in the production of products such as processing of individual manage, headquartered in dengfeng city, henan dengfeng Lou shop store town star kalou grinding factory has complete abrasive, scientific quality management system. Dengfeng Lou inn star abrasive abrasive factory town of integrity, strength and product quality industry. Welcome friends from all circles to visit dengfeng Lou shop starlight abrasive abrasive visit town, guidance and business cooperation. 
    Contact: Bai manager
    Factory address:  Lu Dian Town  Dengfeng city Henan Province
    密度 : 3.2(g/cm3) ;
    含量≥ : 98(%) ;
    原产地 : 河南 ;

    登封市卢店镇星光磨料磨具厂是棕刚玉、白刚玉、黑碳化硅、石英砂、核桃壳、玉米芯、黑刚玉、脱硫剂、地坪金刚砂、除锈砂、金刚砂、钢丸、铁砂、钢丝切丸等产品的**生产厂家。,公司总部设在河南登封卢店,登封市卢店镇星光磨料磨具厂拥有完整、科学的质量管理体系。登封市卢店镇星光磨料磨具厂的诚信、实力和产品质量获得业界的认可。欢迎各界朋友莅临登封市卢店镇星光磨料磨具厂参观、指导和业务洽谈。Dengfeng Ludian Grinding Factory is the starlight abrasive corundum, white jade, black walnut, silicon carbide, quartz, corncob, black corundum, desulfurizer, floor, derusting, emery sand blasting, steel cut wire shot, iron ore, specializing in the production of products such as processing of individual manage, headquartered in dengfeng city, henan dengfeng Lou shop store town star kalou grinding factory has complete abrasive, scientific quality management system. Dengfeng Lou inn star abrasive abrasive factory town of integrity, strength and product quality industry. Welcome friends from all circles to visit dengfeng Lou shop starlight abrasive abrasive visit town, guidance and business cooperation. 

    欢迎来到登封市卢店镇星光磨料磨具厂网站, 具体地址是河南公司街道地址,负责人是韩园园。
    我们拥有较好的耐火材料产品,包括:超硬材料 普通磨料 碳化硅磨料 等产品,质量优等,种类齐全,如果您对我公司的产品有兴趣,请在线留言或者来电咨询。

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