• 【印度**】**单反钻石 裸钻厘石 SCPK2-3.5#

    【印度**】**单反钻石 裸钻厘石 SCPK2-3.5#

  • 2015-10-14 04:00 43
  • 产品价格:面议
  • 发货地址:海外包装说明:不限
  • 产品数量:不限产品规格:不限
  • 信息编号:40565548公司编号:3563200
  • Tripathi Yudhir M. CEO
    13928709619 (联系我请说明是在阿德采购网看到的信息)
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  • 信息举报
    印度UMA GEMS批发**各种尺寸规格**单反厘石,并能代客加工成品。
    About Single Cut
    You may have heard the termSingle Cut DiamondorEight Cut Diamondand if you\"re wondering what it is, you’re not alone because most people (and some jewellers) have never heard of them either. Single cut diamonds are also known as 8/8 diamonds or eight cut diamonds because they have 8 facets on the table and 8 facets on the pavilion.
    The most popular style of cut is the modern round brilliant cut, a round stone with 58 facets.
    A single cut on the other hand is a simple form of cutting a round diamond with only 17 or 18 facets. If you compare a Single Cut Diamond (usually small Carat Weights of 1.2mm or less), to a Full Cut Diamond (58 facets), you’d quickly see the difference. Small high quality single cut diamonds are highly prized especially in the watch industry, and because there are fewer but larger facets, they give off a majestic dance of light and colour, that is often lost in a sea of white light with the full cut stones.
    Single cut diamonds are sought after for high-end micropave settings. Typically each stone used in micropave is a full cut diamond, However, full cut diamonds are not the best to use in micropave the larger facets on a single cut diamond are proportionally bigger and tend to return distinct flashes of light and colour.
    High quality single cuts are mainly used in expensive watches to mark the hour or decorate the dial. This high demand from the luxury watch industry makes single cut diamonds very scarce and expensive in comparison to full cut diamonds (quite the opposite of what you would expect given the fact that full cut diamonds with 58 facets take a lot longer to manufacture). The luxury watch industry consumes virtually the entire annual production. Cheap quality single cut mostly use for low budget jewelry, such as silver and brass jewelry.
    颜色 : 白色 ;
    规格 : 0.012-0.014(cm) ;
    形状 : 圆形 ;
    材质 : 钻石 ;
    产品编号 : SCPK2-3.5# ;
    ** : UMA ;

    UMA GEMS 创办于世界较大的钻石和宝石加工出口国——印度,已在中国广州和中国香港分别设立办事处,专门从事细分圆钻和宝石经销。产品主要有:单反和足反白钻,激光上色的黑钻、黄钻、红钻、蓝钻,以及**红宝石,蓝宝石,绿宝石,坦桑石和碧玺。公司产品种类齐全,材质**,工艺**,货源充足,信守合同,供货及时。 番禺办事处联系电话:
    加工方式 : 来料加工;OEM加工;来样加工;来图加工;
    工艺 : 其他礼品加工工艺;电镀加工;
    **名称 : UMA
    质量控制 : 内部

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UMA GEMS 创办于世界较大的钻石和宝石加工出口国——印度,已在中国广州和中国香港分别设立办事处,专门从事细分圆钻和宝石经销。产品主要有:单反和足反白钻,激光上色的黑钻、黄钻、红钻、蓝钻,以及**红宝石,蓝宝石,绿宝石,坦桑石和碧玺。公司产品种类齐全,材质**,工艺**,货源充足,信守合同,供货及时..