• 直插方形发光二极管进口芯片制造LED1*3*4红、绿、蓝、黄灯珠


  • 2016-02-21 20:44 134
  • 产品价格:面议
  • 发货地址:广东省东莞市长安镇包装说明:不限
  • 产品数量:不限产品规格:不限
  • 信息编号:41272766公司编号:4063371
  • 吴传勇 总经理
    13825712182 (联系我请说明是在阿德采购网看到的信息)
  • 进入店铺 在线咨询
  • 信息举报
    联系电话:158 1777 0361
    传  真:0769-89026428
    邮 编:523867 公司网址
    地 址:中国 广东 东莞 长安镇上沙工业区北横10号
    东莞市瑞彩电子有限公司是集开发、生产、销售为一体的LED光电产品的高科技公司,本公司**生产各种规格的**高亮度大功率0.5W-100W、各式直插LED、SMD、3528、5050、LED软灯条、LED灯管、LED球泡灯、LED射灯、庭院灯等LED大功率产品。产品广泛用于灯饰照明、LED大屏幕显示、交通灯、电子玩具礼品、城市亮化工程、广告灯饰、照明器材、汽车、酒店,KTV,住宅装修等诸多领域,瑞彩拥有行业中*良好管理团队,高标准、防静电、无尘车间、当今行业较**的全自动固晶机、焊线机、点胶机、**分光机,公司严格按照ISO9001:2000质量管理体系运作。并以";科学管理﹑精益求精﹑客户信赖﹑诚信经营";为公司的经营理念。公司将与较良好的质量,较合理的价格,较**的服务满足客户热诚欢迎各界朋友前来参观、考察、洽谈业务。   Dongguan City Baorui electronic limited company is the collection development, production, sales as one of the LED optoelectronic products of high-tech companies, the company specializing in the production of various specifications of the ultra high power 0.5W-100W, LED, SMD, all kinds of line 3528, 5050, LED soft lights, LED lamps, LED bulb lamp, LED lamp, garden lights, high-power LED products. Products are widely used in lighting, LED large screen display, traffic lights, electronic toys & gifts, city lighting engineering, advertising lighting, lighting equipment, car, hotel, KTV, residential decoration and many other areas, Rui CAI with industry in the outstanding senior management team, a high standard, anti-static, dust-free workshop, the industry's most advanced automatic solid crystal machine, welding machine, Dianjiao Ji, fast machine, the company strictly in accordance with the ISO9001:2000 quality management system operation. And ";scientific management, refine on, customer trust, integrity management "; is the company's operating philosophy. The company will be the best quality, most reasonable price, best quality service to meet customer sincerely welcome friends come to visit, study, business negotiations 联系人:吴煌先生(销售部经理) 联系电话:158 1777 0361 传  真:0769-89026428 企业Q 邮 编:523867 公司网址 地 址:中国 广东 东莞 长安镇上沙工业区北横10号
    是否通过ROHS认证 : 是 ;
    封装形式 : 直插型 ;
    颜色 : 红色、绿色、蓝色、黄色 ;
    1000小时常规老化 : 85(%) ;
    ESD(人体模式) : 500(V) ;
    光强/光通量 : 8(lm) ;
    较大允许结温 : -30 50(°) ;
    96小时加速老化 : 90(%) ;
    基板材质 : 铜 ;
    芯片** : 三安 ;
    发光效率 : 90(lm/W) ;
    发光角度 : 8(°) ;
    显色指数 : 60-70 ;
    热阻 : ≤5(°/W) ;
    型号 : 1*3*4 ;
    外形尺寸 : 1*3*4(mm) ;
    ** : 瑞彩 ;
    功率 : 0.06(W) ;
    工作电压 : 1.8-3.4(V) ;
    工作电流 : 20(mA) ;

    东莞市瑞彩电子有限公司是集开发、生产、销售为一体的LED光电产品的高科技公司,本公司**生产各种规格的**高亮度大功率0.5W-100W、各式直插LED、SMD、3528、5050、LED软灯条、LED灯管、LED球泡灯、LED射灯、庭院灯等LED大功率产品。产品广泛用于灯饰照明、LED大屏幕显示、交通灯、电子玩具礼品、城市亮化工程、广告灯饰、照明器材、汽车、酒店,KTV,住宅装修等诸多领域,瑞彩拥有行业中*良好管理团队,高标准、防静电、无尘车间、当今行业较**的全自动固晶机、焊线机、点胶机、**分光机,公司严格按照ISO9001:2000质量管理体系运作。并以";科学管理﹑精益求精﹑客户信赖﹑诚信经营";为公司的经营理念。公司将与较良好的质量,较合理的价格,较**的服务满足客户热诚欢迎各界朋友前来参观、考察、洽谈业务。Dongguan City Baorui electronic limited company is the collection development, production, sales as one of the LED optoelectronic products of high-tech companies, the company specializing in the production of various specifications of the ultra high power 0.5W-100W, LED, SMD, all kinds of line 3528, 5050, LED soft lights, LED lamps, LED bulb lamp, LED lamp, garden lights, high-power LED products. Products are widely used in lighting, LED large screen display, traffic lights, electronic toys & gifts, city lighting engineering, advertising lighting, lighting equipment, car, hotel, KTV, residential decoration and many other areas, Rui CAI with industry in the outstanding senior management team, a high standard, anti-static, dust-free workshop, the industry"s most advanced automatic solid crystal machine, welding machine, Dianjiao Ji, fast machine, the company strictly in accordance with the ISO9001:2000 quality management system operation. And ";scientific management, refine on, customer trust, integrity management "; is the company"s operating philosophy. The company will be the best quality, most reasonable price, best quality service to meet customer sincerely welcome friends come to visit, study, business negotiations. 
    产品质量认证 : CE;CCC;
    **名称 : 瑞彩、CREE
    质量控制 : 内部

    欢迎来到东莞市瑞彩电子有限公司网站,我公司位于素有“龙舟之乡、中国民间艺术之乡、举重之乡、粤剧之乡”之美誉,号为“世界工厂”的东莞市。 具体地址是广东东莞长安公司街道地址,负责人是吴传勇。
    本公司主营LED LED芯片/外延片 LED其他LED芯片 ,以“让顾客放心是我们永恒的目标,不断进取是公司生存和发展之本”为企业的质量方针,本着追求高品位,服务于社会的质量理念,欢迎来电咨询价格、洽谈合作!

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